Eating out gluten free

Finding gluten free restaurants

Travellers adhering to a gluten free diet can choose safe catering establishments across Europe that have been certified by some of our European member societies under their gluten free Eating Out programmes.

Several of AOECS’s member societies have developed training and accreditation programmes for restaurants, hotels, etc. that offer coeliac consumers gluten free meals.

Even when travelling around Europe people with coeliac disease can adhere to their gluten free diet by safely eating out in venues accredited by our member societies. On this page you will find links to our Member societies’ website pages providing information on their Eating Out programmes and lists of accredited gluten free venues.

For some of our member societies, the lists of accredited venues is part of their membership package and only registered members can have access to them. If you need more information on a specific country, please contact the coeliac society there directly. A list of our member societies can be found here.

The youth arm of AOECS, the Coeliac Youth of Europe (CYE), has put together information, advice and useful phrases translated in different languages which can be found here on the CYE website.


Coeliac Society of Andorra

Andorra Eating Out Programme

Finnish Coeliac Society - Keliakialiitto

Finnish Eating Out Programme

French Coeliac Society - AFDIAG

Link to French Society

Hungarian Coeliac Society - LEOE

Hungarian Eating Out Programme

Italian Coeliac Society - Associazione Italiana Celiachia

Italian Eating Out Programme

Dutch Coeliac Society - NCV

Dutch Eating Out Programme

Polish Coeliac Society

Polish Eating Out Programme

Portuguese Coeliac Society - APC

Portuguese Eating Out Programme

Spanish Coeliac Society - FACE

Spanish Eating Out Programme

Spanish Coeliac Society Catalonia - SMAP

Catalonian Eating Out Programme

Swiss Coeliac Society - IGZ

Link to Swiss Society

United Kingdom Coeliac Society - CUK

UK Eating Out Programme

Going further away than Europe

If you are going outside of Europe there are other coeliac societies outside of Europe who also run Eating Out programmes.


Coeliac Australia

Eating out programme

Coeliac New Zealand

New Zealand Dining Out Programme

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