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My coeliac story

Lindsay 1000


United Kingdom

A completely unexpected diagnosis

“I was diagnosed with coeliac disease in June 2022. It came as a complete shock to me - I had heard of coeliac disease, but nobody in my family had it and I didn't know any other coeliacs either.

I was diagnosed as a result of blood tests done after it was discovered I was severely anaemic. My iron levels were extremely low, and my folate levels were unsatisfactory too. I had spent months, even years, feeling incredibly tired and unwell, with frequent and sometimes almost constant migraines.

I had no idea it might be coeliac disease - I though you needed to have gastrointestinal symptoms for that. Since my diagnosis, I have lived a completely gluten-free life and feel much better as a result.

My gut is probably still healing, but at least I know I'm now giving it a chance to do so."

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