Food arrive in Ukraine

Gluten-free food shipped to and received in Ukraine

  • 14th March 2022
  • 1 min read

Gluten-free food has arrived in Ukraine

Ukrainian Coeliac Society is administering donated gluten-free food inside Ukraine. National Coeliac Societies from neighboring countries are coordinating transports into Ukraine. AOECS emergency fund to help coeliacs affected by the war is coming to use.

Food arrive in Ukraine

Shipment with gluten-free food from Poland has arrived in Ukraine.

Donated food is being distributed

The Ukrainian Coeliac Society is arranging for further distribution inside Ukraine.

The need for food is still large and increasing. More transports of gluten-free food into Ukraine are being prepared by the National Coeliac Societies in the neighboring region. Funds from the AOECS Emergency Fund are being used for this purpose, even though much work is being done voluntarily.

Still, there more money is needed to be able to arrange transport and purchases of gluten-free food, but also for storage and human resources to administer the logistics.

If you have the possibility, please consider contributing to our emergency fund for Ukraine.

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